Good sir, look dashing in one of our solid or parti-colored dagged houppelandes. With full sleeves, decorated with square dags, they are fancy enough to wear before the king (in fact they have been worn by Kings in the SCA). While being sturdy enough to wear over armor and taken into combat and being easy to wear and care for. Worn with a belt, this men’s garment emphasizes the shoulders, while allowing you to show off your legs for the ladies.
We have made houppelandes in many lengths, but by far our most popular length is the short houppelande, normally this is about knee length. We’ve sold hundreds of these over the years with many satisfied customers in the Society for Creative Anachronism, at medieval events, and at Renaissance faires.
It can be worn alone, or over one of our collared tunics and a pair of hose. Made from pre-shrunk cotton or linen, it can breathe on hot days and go into the washing machine.
For Quarterly Houpppelandes, each panel alternates color, and this includes the fully-lined sleeves. For Per Pale Houpppelandes, the Left side is one color, and the right side tne other. Normally the sleeves are lined in the opposing color of the outer shell of the garment.
Select which color you wish to fall over your right front (color 1) and left front (color 2). For orders of three (3) or more houppelandes, please contact us first to confirm the availability of certain colors.